
As innovators, we are driven to improve, to never settle. Each wave is an opportunity to develop, to learn and grow. Surfers have been riding waves for hundreds of years, and it is with deep respect that we continually refine surf equipment with feedback from the elite surfers and shapers in the world. We continue to learn together so that we can in turn equip the beginning surfer to the world champ with the right product, and clear information so they can easily dial in their equipment. This is why we spend our resources on tools like The Ride Number and a bunch of in house engineers instead of relying on the next flashy advertising campaign.

EN Twin Fin Fiberglass - Slate - palvelukotilounatuuli
Akila Aipa Fibreglass Twin Fin - Blue Green - palvelukotilounatuuli
Son of Cobra Fins - Twin Fin - Black - palvelukotilounatuuli
Rasta Keel Fins - Twin Fin - Honeycomb Purple - palvelukotilounatuuli
Machado Pivot Blackstix Thruster Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
F4 Quad Legacy Series Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
F4 5-Fin Legacy Series - Size small - palvelukotilounatuuli
R4 Legacy Series Thruster Fins - Size Small - palvelukotilounatuuli
Quad 2 - 4.15 Quad Rears Honeycomb Flat Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
Quad 2 - 3.75 Quad Rears Honeycomb Flat Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
Gerry Lozep 8.5 Yellow Fin - palvelukotilounatuuli
SB1 Sidebite Fiberglass Black Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
Machado Twin+1 Blackstix Red Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
John John Techflex | Black Neon Red | Large | Board Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
Pyzel Thruster Fin | Medium | Black | Board Fin - palvelukotilounatuuli
Jordy Honeycomb | Black/Orange Camo | Medium | Board Fin - palvelukotilounatuuli
F4 Honeycomb Thruster Fin | Grey/Black | Small | Board Fin - palvelukotilounatuuli
AM1 Honeycomb | Blue | Board Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
Gerry 9.7" Flex | Blue | Board Fin - palvelukotilounatuuli
Al Merrick FG Twin Keel Fins | Green/Grey | Board Fins - palvelukotilounatuuli
LOST Mayhem - Medium - Yellow - Thruster - palvelukotilounatuuli
AM2 Honeycomb - Large - Yellow - Thruster - palvelukotilounatuuli
AM1 Honeycomb - Medium - Blue - Thruster - palvelukotilounatuuli